東華三院譚錦球伉儷幼稚園:不一樣的畢業禮物 貫徹5A教育理念 / 明校網



Parents Zone Parents Zone Parents Zone Parents Zone Parents Zone Parents Zone Parents Zone Parents Zone Parents Zone Parents Zone

學校動態|譚錦球幼稚園讓學生培養感恩心 啟發孩子透過感恩去幫助更多人 / Topick




這間幼稚園重視5A教育,當中包括宣揚正念(Advocacy)、積極學習(Active-learning)和美感觸覺(Artistic Sensibility)等,這份畢業禮物,就是這個5A教育的延伸。談校長解釋:「例如,學生表示感恩在學校聽到同學的笑聲,老師就會進一步啟發小朋友思考,自己又可以做什麼事情,為身邊同學帶來歡樂?由此將正向教育的訊息推廣出去。」儀式感到了最後,校方還是希望透過正向教育,來培養小朋友的創意、好奇心、主動學習等素養,裝備他們應付小學生活或者未來更加千變萬化的世界。




撰文:輔導心理學家 莫黛琳

有一位 3 歲小女孩,剛接受遊戲治療時,她媽媽說女孩每天在家因大大小小的事情,起碼要發 3 至 4 次脾氣,每次半小時以上。過了 3 個多月的遊戲治療後,她大哭的頻密度已減少至 1 至 2 個星期一次,有時候 3 個星期才發生一次。但這位母親依然覺得很困擾,因為在她的朋友圈子裡面,孩子們一般哭 5 到 10 分鐘便能夠平復下來。而這位女兒,她每次大哭依然要花上起碼半個小時才能夠慢慢轉化。

又有一位同齡的內向小男孩,剛開始接受遊戲治療時,他連續 4 次在遊戲室內只碰他熟悉的玩具車,在他覺得安全的小小範圍裡面,小心翼翼地觀察這個陌生的環境和我這一位陌生的姨姨。過了幾個月後,他父親說他在公園裡開始願意嘗試自己玩滑梯,也願意自己參與一些興趣班,不需要父母陪同。但是,父母依然很擔心他的社交能力,因為覺得「他和別的孩子不一樣」。小男孩每一次參加團體活動,仍舊是睜大着雙眼,站在人群的一角,靜靜地看著別人活動,自己並不參與。












平常孩子們都有個習慣,不論是一夫哥哥還是諾兒妹妹,睡前都一定會興高采烈的跑過來親吻我和太太,大聲說句「Sweet dream」 、「Love you」云云。可是那一晚,一夫無論如何也不肯過來跟我說晚安。他一直黐著工人姐姐,不停嚷著要上床睡覺。














Three Family Education Practices Every Parent Can Implement

Written by: Founder & Volunteer Director of Good Love Passion 

           Lam Ho Pui Yee

People often have different views on “family education.” Some may say that family education is the education provided within the family or the integration of family and education. If you believe that family education involves raising children and teaching them the principles of life, then congratulations! You already have a fairly accurate understanding of family education. Here are three important and easily achievable family education practices for your reference:


1. Engage in Conversations at the Dinner Table

If parents tend to educate or reprimand their children at the dinner table, it can lead to feelings of sadness and digestive issues in the child. Many parents also enjoy watching TV while eating, which not only distracts the child but can also cause indigestion. The valuable “conversations” and “laughter” in family life can reduce stress and create a harmonious atmosphere of mutual trust and happiness. Starting today, please put down your phones, stop browsing the internet during meals, and sincerely enjoy a meal with your family.


2. Engage in Conversations at the Dinner Table

If parents tend to educate or reprimand their children at the dinner table, it can lead to feelings of sadness and digestive issues in the child. Many parents also enjoy watching TV while eating, which not only distracts the child but can also cause indigestion. The valuable “conversations” and “laughter” in family life can reduce stress and create a harmonious atmosphere of mutual trust and happiness. Starting today, please put down your phones, stop browsing the internet during meals, and sincerely enjoy a meal with your family.


3. Provide Positive Role Modeling

When parents react with panic and uncertainty to unexpected events, their children will likely respond in the same way when faced with difficulties in the future. If parents remain calm and composed in such situations, their children will learn to handle challenges with poise. This positively contributes to the development of the child’s psychological resilience. Parental role modeling profoundly influences children; all parents should strive to provide a clear and accurate reflection, helping their children develop a positive self-image.

Family education encompasses the physical and mental development of family members at different life stages, as well as the cultivation of attitudes and emotional lives. Families that frequently resort to corporal punishment or coercive discipline may raise children with low self-esteem or timid personalities. Conversely, families that indulge their children and allow them to govern themselves may produce children with arrogance and unreasonable behavior. Under the guidance of correct, positive, and loving family education, children can develop good character, establish correct values, and achieve holistic development that emphasizes a positive attitude towards life and appreciation for existence.

如何提升小朋友詞彙量? 日常生活中必做2大方法!

Children’s Vocabulary? 2 Essential Methods to Implement in Daily Life!

Source: Speech Therapist Mom Miss Carley

Vocabulary skills can be divided into two categories: expressive and receptive. Expressive vocabulary refers to the words that children can say, while receptive vocabulary refers to the words that children can understand when they hear or see them.

Generally, children have a larger receptive vocabulary than expressive vocabulary. For example, a one-year-old child can say about five words, such as “Daddy,” “Mommy,” “Grandma,” “street,” and “ball.” However, they can understand more words than they can express. For instance, if a parent says, “Where is the light?” the child may be able to point to it. They can also understand questions like “Do you want a bun?” or “Are you drinking milk?” and phrases like “Let’s go to the street.”

Expressive Vocabulary Levels by Age:

  • 1 year: Can say some single words.

  • 1.5 years: About fifty words; can use some single words to form short sentences.

  • 2 years: Can reach two hundred to three hundred words.

3 years: About five hundred to one thousand expressive words.

In fact, the way and amount of time parents converse with their children daily is directly related to the children’s vocabulary development. So, how can we enhance children’s vocabulary in daily life?

Method 1: Stimulating Language Environment

During infancy and toddlerhood, parents should engage in more conversations, play parent-child games, and sing songs to encourage interaction. In the process, parents can try to use different types of vocabulary to describe their children’s actions. For instance, when a child is playing with a toy car, instead of just saying the noun, “Yes, that’s a car,” parents might also add adjectives, saying, “Yes, this car is red and very big.” They can also use verbs, saying, “Ah! You are driving the car,” or “You are sitting in the car.” Additionally, using locational words like “Now the car is on the table…under the table” can expose children to a variety of vocabulary and help them express themselves better.

Method 2: Aligning with Children’s Interests

If a child enjoys reading, engaging in parent-child reading can introduce many new words. Furthermore, parents can describe the events happening around them based on their child’s abilities and interests. For example, at the supermarket, parents might say, “These are bananas and apples.” When in the car, they can talk about the scenery outside.

If the child has the ability, parents can also describe events that happened earlier, such as, “This morning we played at the park and kicked a soccer ball,” allowing the child to use more vocabulary related to past experiences.



撰文:認可兒童財商導師Miranda Lee











1. 同理心為基礎

美國心理學家丹尼爾‧高曼(Daniel Goleman),他在《EQ II:工作EQ》一書中指出,處理人際關係的能力即是以同理心為基礎,可以試著從察覺他人需要及關心對方的看法等原則為出發點,了解他人觀點,認知他人情緒與回應對方的感受,同時提高個人的同理心。意即同理心強,人際關係比較好,相反亦然。

2. 認知他人情緒


3. 察覺他人需要




丹尼爾.高曼(1998) 《EQ 2: 工作EQ 》時報文化出版企業股份有限公司



Is Competition Just Stress? 3 Major Benefits to Help Children Build Inner Strength


I believe all parents have heard the term “glass heart,” and no one wants their children to have a “glass heart.” Whether they are just starting school or entering the workforce, everyone faces various levels of competition. If they don’t know how to cope, it can lead to mental and physical exhaustion, even affecting personal development. Allowing children to participate in competitions based on their interests and willingness offers many benefits:

1. Learning to Follow Rules

Every competition or competitive game has its own set of rules that must be followed, such as arriving on time and adhering to size specifications for submitted work. These experiences teach children the importance of following rules. Parents can also explain why these rules exist, such as fairness in size specifications and convenience with deadlines.

2. Learning to Express Themselves


Not every child is born with a strong desire to perform or is accustomed to showcasing their talents. Children who participate in competitions can boost their confidence by observing the behavior of other children and responding to the cheers and encouragement from the audience, learning to be more willing to express themselves.

3. Learning to Face Winning and Losing

In any competitive situation, whether it’s a competition or a game, there will always be winners and losers, and often there is only one champion. When a child achieves victory, parents can provide appropriate encouragement to maintain their enthusiasm for the activity and the competition. This is also a good opportunity to teach children to express gratitude to the staff, teammates, and friends who supported them during the competition.


Even if they unfortunately lose, parents can accompany their children through feelings of disappointment, helping them understand that even in failure, there are valuable lessons to be learned for next time. They should realize that losing a competition does not mean they gained nothing. More importantly, it’s essential to reflect on the experience of failure and prepare for the next opportunity.

能力與興趣 是生涯規劃的兩大變數

Ability and interest are the two major variables in career planning


Written by: Registered Educational Psychologist, Mr. Pang Chi-wah

As Hong Kong shifted from industrial to service-oriented industries, the constant turnover of societal sectors has left many youths feeling extremely helpless about their future prospects. Some young individuals are unsure of what they want or what career path to pursue. If they choose the wrong subjects in secondary school or university, it adds more confusion to their future. Recognizing this, the education sector has begun to emphasize students’ career planning.


Youthful years are invaluable, and time is a precious resource. In our growth process, engaging in career planning is akin to a national investment. However, the investment made by young individuals is not monetary but temporal. Where should they allocate this time?


When young individuals engage in career planning, the key consideration regarding time allocation revolves around their personal interests and abilities. Ability refers to what a person can do, which can be objectively assessed or evaluated and compared with the requirements of a job to determine compatibility.


Interest is more subjective, rooted in personal feelings or desires, sometimes challenging to assess objectively due to individual differences. Young people’s interests may be influenced by their family background, learning experiences, and social environment, and can be understood through personal interviews.

Considering students’ abilities and interests, the two major variables in their career planning can be categorized into four groups:


Category One:

These students may lack the ability or interest, or choose subjects and careers they have no ability or interest in, leading to a painful future. Even though they may currently lack specific interests or abilities, it doesn’t mean they never will. Therefore, it is crucial for family members and teachers to help them discover their interests and abilities starting now.

The solution to this issue is to explore different areas. Schools can collaborate with various industries to establish long-term partnerships, allowing students to intern or learn in these organizations. Through these activities, schools can help students better understand the industries they may face in the future and discover their interests and abilities. Simultaneously, this can reduce their sense of helplessness and confusion when entering society.

Category Two:

These students have interests but lack sufficient ability. They might be interested in certain subjects or careers but have a noticeable gap in their learning abilities. For example, a student might aspire to be a doctor after watching a movie and saving lives, yet their science grades are poor. Or they may wish to be a teacher, educating the next generation, but their speaking or language skills are lacking. Perhaps these students can improve through hard work to bridge the gap between their interests and abilities, but they must be prepared for the significant pressure they may face in the future.

Getting involved and participating hands-on can dispel misconceptions students may have about certain industries due to media or family influence. For instance, a psychiatrist in a movie might seem to earn a substantial income by simply talking to patients. While this appears to be an excellent job, in reality, it involves extensive paperwork, analysis, and diagnosis after conversing with patients. Visits and internships can allow them to truly experience the career path they envision and determine if it aligns with their interests. Therefore, in career planning, time should be invested in various visits and experiences to validate their planned career path.


Category Three:

These students have the ability but lack interest in sustaining it. Contrary to Category Two students, these individuals are often driven by their academic performance in selecting subjects or careers. For instance, excelling in mathematics might lead them to pursue accounting in university, or proficiency in languages might lead them to study linguistics and become a teacher. However, they may realize they have chosen paths where they have the ability but lack interest, potentially leading to a lack of motivation or persistence in the future.

The external environment, such as family or school, can also influence the development of interests in these students. For example, a student may aspire to be an artist, possessing talent and a strong interest, but in a society like Hong Kong that prioritizes commerce, opportunities for artistic development may be limited, dampening their interest. Therefore, teachers and social workers need to have a keen understanding of different industries’ characteristics and create a stimulating atmosphere to nurture students’ interests.

Category Four:

These students have found careers they are interested in and have the ability to study or delve into. Their career planning direction is clear, allowing them to progress towards a specific goal more easily. However, while these students may have identified their abilities and interests, they still need a good learning attitude to continue developing and truly succeed.

Although Category Four is the most ideal combination, few students can achieve this early on. It is essential to make students understand that career planning involves a growth process, a gradual transformation from one category to another through continuous learning and experience in the journey of life.